Saturday, September 1, 2012

ironman Training

Well what a week it has been!  Happily attending the live training in Atlanta...while there I had to keep close eye out for Hurrican Iaasc!  Flew home on Sunday night to learn it was headed straight for New Orleans, lovely!  To top the week off I realized that Aug 29 was also the 7 yr anniversary of Hurricane Katrina.  (SCARY)....We started feeling Iaasc's affects on Mon with lots of high wind, I wish that I had a pic of the beautiful sunset, calm before the storm!   Tues evening winds were worse and  the bans were now coming off and on, for hours...for days...I have grown up here in the south and have lived through many storms, but not like Iaasc.  Usually they are gone within 24hrs, we got hammered for over 48hrs!  Thankfully all is well, we now pick up the pieces and continue onward.


During this time I was unable to train, which is not the end of the world.  Actually gave my body a rest from all the mileage I have logged over the last few months.  As most of you heard in Atlanta I am training for an Ironman Triathlon.  This is a 140.6 mile journey which includes a 2.4 mile swim, 112 mile bike, and a 26.2 mile run, all in one day.  I have consistently used the "24" line of Herbalife products which I LOVE!  I have had much success throughout this training period.  As I continue to train the distances and times are always increasing.  I have to be very well prepared for my nutrition plan, it's not like I can stop at home to grab more fuel.  Below I give you a detailed list of my product consumption and my reslts:

9/1/12 - 4:45 bike and :45 min run- 85 mile ride and 4.5 mile run

3-24 oz bottles of 24 Prolong

2-24 oz bottles of h2o

1 lift-off

2 gu's

1 bar

Keep in mind it was blistering hot today, 91 and 100% humidity!  It's been this way since Iaasc moved out of here.  Before I was half way through my workout I looked like a drowned rat and was running out of fluids.  Thankfully I remembered to grab cash  for a store stop to get more h2o.  When the training session was over I finally looked at the damage that had been done.  On a long workout like this you burn many calories, but I didn't imagine I burned 4,160 today!

I immediately started refueling!  1-24 oz bottle of Rebuild Endurance, fruit, and 1 slice of veggie pizza(left overs are the best)!  Once home I started eating every 30mins, small meals, to help repair the damage.  Later made trip to club to continue with my recovery by standing in the "cold dip."  (this is a tub with water that is 52 degress)  This helps to recover the legs so that I can get another long day in tomorrow!  To be continued:)

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