Saturday, September 8, 2012

Century day

What a week it has been!  After cleaning up yards from Isaac I was down and out for 3 days with my back.  Not good at this point in my training, 8 weeks out from today I will be taking my journey of 140.6 miles.  I did find out that I had strained some muscles in my back and had to lay low, so I started taking my Restore daily, and I am so happy I did.  Each day my back felt better and better and I was able to get some training in today!  I can't say enough about Restore.  On weekends I have the longest training days, it is  always  2 hard long sessions back to back.  In order for me to get through these days Restore is in my regimen.  I knew this weekend was going to be hard and I needed help, not only physically but also mentally.  So, now I know Restore will help with strained muscles not just tired ones:)

Today's training called for a 5:30 bike (90-100 miles) and a :45 min run.  I was prepared with all nutrition and ready to go.  Starting out  I felt horrible, the first 30 miles I was doubting that I would get this long day in book.  I was feeling the effects of not having done much over the last 3 days.  But, I rallied, thankfully.  After I hit 30 miles magically I felt my pace change and I remained strong.  Each week I feel that I have a new product testimony and I'm loving it......!  Keep in mind that I'm training in a very hot climate, 90+ degrees and usually around 80-90% humidity:(  Today was one of those days, so I knew that hydration was going to be very crucial.  I had 4 - 24oz bottles of Prolong, Lift Off, gu's and bars prepared.    While riding I remember thinking how am I going to get all of these fluids in and how is my stomach going to feel.  I was worrying about feeling bloated.

Around mile 55 we made a store stop to replenish our water.  (By this point I had already put down 2  bottles of Prolong).  After buying my water I remained at the checkout counter to fix 2 more bottles of Prolong and I also wanted to take my Lift Off at this point.  I laid everything out on the counter and my friend looked down at my "stuff" then looked at me and said..."is that a condom?"  LOL!!!!!  I was floored...I laughed and said" here I have 2, try it out!"  So once we had our laughing moment back on the bike.  I was amazed at how good my stomach felt, usually I have issues getting in calories when it's this hot.  So yes, I kept drinking, and drinking and drinking.........NO issues, made my day!

I was feeling great had a smile on my face realizing I was almost done when my riding partner spots a snake in the road.  So yes, he made me turn around.  Now I felt like I was at a petting zoo!  He gave me a lesson on king snakes and then I had to pet it, YUCK!  It was the perfect time for a break so I decided to not complain!

Overall my nutrition plan was great.  Finished off all 4 bottles of Prolong, lots of water, a bottle of Lift Off, 2 gu's, and a bar.  In the past I have had many issues during long training days and races.  I am so happy to say that because of the Prolong I didn't have to take in many other calories from other sources.  My calorie expenditure today was a total of 5,193, whoa!  As I have been writing this blog food has been ingested and I will continue to take in calories and of course, Restore, tonight so that I'm ready for another long day tomorrow!

Patience Cogar

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